

postgresql 类似 mysql 解析 binlog

Posted 10 months ago mysql postgresql wal binlog

众所周知 mysql 可以订阅 binlog

package main

import (

type MyEventHandler struct {

func (h *MyEventHandler) OnRow(e *canal.RowsEvent) error {
	log.Infof("%s %v\n", e.Action, e.Rows)
	return nil

func (h *MyEventHandler) String() string {
	return "MyEventHandler"

func main() {
	cfg := canal.NewDefaultConfig()
	cfg.Addr = ""
	cfg.User = "root"
	// We only care table canal_test in test db
	cfg.Dump.TableDB = "test"
	cfg.Dump.Tables = []string{"canal_test"}

	c, err := canal.NewCanal(cfg)
	if err != nil {

	// Register a handler to handle RowsEvent

	// Start canal

postgresql 类似 mysql 解析 binlog copy自 http://v0.pigsty.cc/zh/blog/2019/06/12/pgsql%E5%8F%98%E6%9B%B4%E6%95%B0%E6%8D%AE%E6%8D%95%E8%8E%B7/

package main

import (


type Subscriber struct {
	URL    string
	Slot   string
	Plugin string
	Conn   *pgx.ReplicationConn
	LSN    uint64

// Connect 会建立到服务器的复制连接,区别在于自动添加了replication=on|1|yes|dbname参数
func (s *Subscriber) Connect() {
	connConfig, _ := pgx.ParseURI(s.URL)
	s.Conn, _ = pgx.ReplicationConnect(connConfig)

// ReportProgress 会向主库汇报写盘,刷盘,应用的进度坐标(消费者偏移量)
func (s *Subscriber) ReportProgress() {
	status, _ := pgx.NewStandbyStatus(s.LSN)

// CreateReplicationSlot 会创建逻辑复制槽,并使用给定的解码插件
func (s *Subscriber) CreateReplicationSlot() {
	if consistPoint, snapshotName, err := s.Conn.CreateReplicationSlotEx(s.Slot, s.Plugin); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("fail to create replication slot: %s", err.Error())
	} else {
		log.Printf("create replication slot %s with plugin %s : consist snapshot: %s, snapshot name: %s",
			s.Slot, s.Plugin, consistPoint, snapshotName)
		s.LSN, _ = pgx.ParseLSN(consistPoint)

// StartReplication 会启动逻辑复制(服务器会开始发送事件消息)
func (s *Subscriber) StartReplication() {
	if err := s.Conn.StartReplication(s.Slot, 0, -1); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("fail to start replication on slot %s : %s", s.Slot, err.Error())

// DropReplicationSlot 会使用临时普通连接删除复制槽(如果存在),注意如果复制连接正在使用这个槽是没法删的。
func (s *Subscriber) DropReplicationSlot() {
	connConfig, _ := pgx.ParseURI(s.URL)
	conn, _ := pgx.Connect(connConfig)
	var slotExists bool
	conn.QueryRow(`SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = $1)`, s.Slot).Scan(&slotExists)
	if slotExists {
		if s.Conn != nil {
		conn.Exec("SELECT pg_drop_replication_slot($1)", s.Slot)
		log.Printf("drop replication slot %s", s.Slot)

// Subscribe 开始订阅变更事件,主消息循环
func (s *Subscriber) Subscribe() {
	var message *pgx.ReplicationMessage
	for {
		// 等待一条消息, 消息有可能是真的消息,也可能只是心跳包
		message, _ = s.Conn.WaitForReplicationMessage(context.Background())
		if message.WalMessage != nil {
			DoSomething(message.WalMessage) // 如果是真的消息就消费它
			if message.WalMessage.WalStart > s.LSN { // 消费完后更新消费进度,并向主库汇报
				s.LSN = message.WalMessage.WalStart + uint64(len(message.WalMessage.WalData))
		// 如果是心跳包消息,按照协议,需要检查服务器是否要求回送进度。
		if message.ServerHeartbeat != nil && message.ServerHeartbeat.ReplyRequested == 1 {
			s.ReportProgress() // 如果服务器心跳包要求回送进度,则汇报进度

// 实际消费消息的函数,这里只是把消息打印出来,也可以写入Redis,写入Kafka,更新统计信息,发送邮件等
func DoSomething(message *pgx.WalMessage) {
	log.Printf("[LSN] %s [Payload] %s", 
             pgx.FormatLSN(message.WalStart), string(message.WalData))

// 如果使用JSON解码插件,这里是用于Decode的Schema
type Payload struct {
	Change []struct {
		Kind         string        `json:"kind"`
		Schema       string        `json:"schema"`
		Table        string        `json:"table"`
		ColumnNames  []string      `json:"columnnames"`
		ColumnTypes  []string      `json:"columntypes"`
		ColumnValues []interface{} `json:"columnvalues"`
		OldKeys      struct {
			KeyNames  []string      `json:"keynames"`
			KeyTypes  []string      `json:"keytypes"`
			KeyValues []interface{} `json:"keyvalues"`
		} `json:"oldkeys"`
	} `json:"change"`

func main() {
	dsn := "postgres://localhost:5432/postgres?application_name=cdc"
	plugin := "test_decoding"
	slot := "test_slot"
	if len(os.Args) > 1 {
		dsn = os.Args[1]
	if len(os.Args) > 2 {
		plugin = os.Args[2]
	if len(os.Args) > 3 {
		slot = os.Args[3]

	subscriber := &Subscriber{
		URL:    dsn,
		Slot:   slot,
		Plugin: plugin,
	}                                // 创建新的CDC客户端
	subscriber.DropReplicationSlot() // 如果存在,清理掉遗留的Slot

	subscriber.Connect()                   // 建立复制连接
	defer subscriber.DropReplicationSlot() // 程序中止前清理掉复制槽
	subscriber.CreateReplicationSlot()     // 创建复制槽
	subscriber.StartReplication()          // 开始接收变更流
	go func() {
		for {
			time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
	}()                                    // 协程2每5秒地向主库汇报进度
	subscriber.Subscribe()                 // 主消息循环
